Monday, January 4, 2010

Another Day Another Pound

So far I have to say that I am really happy with the sublingual drops. While taking the HCG injections I had days where I lost 2-3 pounds followed by days where I lost nothing. So far with the drops I am consistently losing one pound a day.

Yesterday I went shopping at Fresh and Easy. I always like to check out their 1/2 off isle because you can get some super deals as long as you plan to use the food right away. I saw they had some awesome Ahi Tuna steaks. I don't know why but I thought Tuna steaks were allowed on the plan. This morning I looked back at the HCG guidelines and discovered Tuna is not part of the plan. Oh well, I had a tuna steak for lunch with some homemade blackening herb mix. I'll post the recipe separately. Lucky for me it did not set me back, I still lost my one pound. Normally you would blacken the steaks with a ton of butter too, I used 1/2 teaspoon of coconut oil instead. That seemed to work really well. This is the first time I deviated from the "no oils" rule. I won't be abandoning that rule, but it is good to see that coconut oil (which was not readily available during Dr. Simeon's research) does not seem to have an impact on weight gain.

My friend had told me that she had noted that while on phase 2 after taking the injections that she would always lose weight if she had an apple and a handful of almonds. I did that yesterday, so I can't say if the almonds are what helped me with my one pound despite the tuna, or if they just helped me avoid eating later in the evening. What I do know is that adding that little extra seems to really help me avoid wanting to grab something bad for me.

So I guess I had a real screw up day yesterday, I ate a banned protein and used a bit of oil. I also added a handful of almonds to my day. The bottom line though? I still ate around my 500 calorie target for the day and I still lost my goal weight. By next week I should be under 200 pounds.
Posting back here because I was curious if anyone else had tested using coconut oil while on the HCG diet and I did find


  1. Hey Mark! It's your friendly neighborhood dental hygienist! = ) Thanks for inviting me to your blog. What a great idea! As you well know, I also have a passion for food and have a New Year's resolution to get back to eating how I was post-HCG. The holidays were brutual! I'm so glad the drops are working for you. I hope you don't mind if I share this blog with my sister. She is currently doing HCG as well, and would love your recipes. Take care and happy losing!

  2. The more the merrier Martha. I'll try to post recipes every few days as I see the wieght coming off and know that they are "safe" where I may be stretching the guidelines.
